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  • Writer's pictureArchuleta A. Chisolm

3 Ways to Promote Your Book on Social Media

Some would argue the easy part about being an author is writing the book, while the hard part is actually marketing it. I would have to agree with that. It is a challenge for authors, particularly those of us who are self-published.

Since the majority of us spend so much time on social media, it makes sense that we would find creative ways to utilize it for marketing our work. I thought I would discuss 3 platforms that I have found the most helpful when promoting my books.

The primary goal is not to sell which can be quite annoying to your followers; people will scroll on past your post. Your objective should be to develop on-line relationships and make connections – the sales will come.

Don’t let the idea of social media overwhelm you. There are many platforms out there but you don’t have to use them all. The following are, in my opinion, the best ones for building an audience and allow you to do the most.

Instagram is a great place for authors to promote themselves, because you have options. Get creative with giveaways, and promote your events or ones you’ve attended. As a poet, I like to post excerpts of my poems. You can take your pick of InstaStories, Instagram Live, or the new IGTV. These allow you to reach your audience in various ways – read an excerpt from your book, have on-line discussions, share your tips about writing or set-up a Q & A. Have fun with it!

Sharing on this platform can get interesting, to say the least. In all its grief and genius, Twitter can help you create a voice that speaks your truth and tell your story. Schedule an on-line book discussion with your followers, or team up with a fellow author to discuss a particular topic. By doing this, you will each be able to speak to a different audience. I believe that Twitter is the best platform in which to network with like-minded people.

By the year 2020, the Internet will be 90 percent video content. This means we need to get busy! As authors, sometimes we enjoy not being seen. However, we have to find ways to push through our comfort zones to show people who we are. YouTube, like Instagram, will allow you to speak directly to your audience through simply sharing what you know. And it’s the perfect place for poets to get creative with videos.

I hope this helps gets you think about how you can use social media to promote yourself and your books. Regardless which platforms you decide, remember that the only person you are competing with is you. Explore other social media sites such as Pinterest, Snapchat, and Periscope. Find what’s comfortable for you. In the end, have fun and enjoy.

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