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  • Writer's pictureArchuleta A. Chisolm

Turn Your Magic All The Way Up

Every year, Black History Month provides us the opportunity for a fresh perspective and new possibilities. For this, the second month of 2022, I’m focusing the blog on Black excellence, freedom of self, rebirth of spirit and, of course love for the written word.

This month, what are you willing to do in order to be the person God intended? Creating that space for yourself is both exciting and a labor of love. It may include adding or taking away, in order to fully reach. If we think about our ancestors, and all they endured, we are living their wildest dreams. We have no choice but to live life on purpose; extend our breath to the very edge and be fearless in pursuing our dreams.

As Black women, we should never compromise our happiness for anyone. We are used to sacrificing for others, and sometimes that selflessness becomes lost. We deplete ourselves down and might still have to put on lipstick and heels, walk into work and be able to deliver. And that’s hard. It’s also hard to be fearless. But we know that doesn’t mean we are without fear. It simply means we call on God for strength and move forward anyway.

Our decisions and behaviors have been negotiated and compromised in alignment with daily, and sometimes hourly, variables that control how we exist. There are probably things you have subconsciously started doing so differently that you may not even recall how you used to do them. Your routine may have been “redefined” over the last two years, and you have a greater threshold for patience and grace to navigate difficulties. It doesn’t mean that you need to pull that superwoman cape out of the closet.

If Black History Month teaches us nothing else, it’s we have control of what normal looks like. There is capacity for added peace in your life. You get to decide who and what has access to you, without feeling guilty.

This message is short and sweet: Self-love and self-care teaches patience. It teaches us what we will and will not accept. It’s important to seek your own happiness first, and then all that you desire in life will be attracted to you.

We have the opportunity to lean further into living our purpose – and living on purpose – through the capacity created by the moments we’ve experienced. Turn your magic all the way up, and continue to live out your dreams.


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